photographer, mother & creator
Probably one of the most down-to-earth people you’ll ever meet and can talk the hind legs off a donkey but rubbish with words, I say what I see – I have no poetic voice – I crave it - but it’s not a fluent language to me. My photos say what I have no words for and where I have learned over time to have my artist's voice and be heard through emotional storytelling photos.
I am a mum to a little boy and girl, becoming a mum changed me so much, I found out who I truly am and what I am honestly capable of – its pretty extraordinary really. My children are quickly growing up, I try my best to capture every moment – they are the typical photographer’s kids and are only interested when there’s something in it for them. I know all the bribery tricks in the trade but also have learned how to silently document and capture the moment. As a family we love love love music and try and get to a few different festivals every year, dressing up, dancing, and being outside is where our hearts are at. We also have a huge love for Sennen Cove, Cornwall where we try and spend most school holidays. Days on the beach, with a picnic bag, buckets, and spades – My idea of heaven. Long live these days. I remember reading “You get 18 delicious summers with your kids, make them count” that’s something that’s stayed in my mind.